Many Are Called, But Few Get Up

Yes, folks, it's true. Many are called to do different things, but few get up and do them. Every Christian is called to witness to others. Some are called to move to a different province or country. Others are called pastor a church or teach Sunday School. But few get up. That also is true. The phrase 'Many are called, but few get up' was sewn on a cross-stitch by my great-great grandma. When my grandparents came to visit us they brought it for my dad.

In this day and age some of us ignore the call. It isn't just a problem for us in this day and age, though, but a problem even back in Bible times. Jonah didn't want to answer God's call to go witness to the people of Nineveh. And of course, Paul, the murderer, tried to ignore God's call. God called Paul to Him, but Paul tried to ignore it. Soon enough, though, Jesus captured Paul's heart. We can try to ignore our calling as much as we want. We can use excuses like:
  1. I don't know what my calling is. If you read your Bible and pray, then you will soon see your calling. Jesus tells us in Mark 13:10 the gospel needs to be preached to all nations. So, there is a call right now: We need to tell the gospel to everyone.
  2. God could never use me. I'm such a sinner. If you're using this excuse, then all I can say to you is Romans 5:8. While we still sinners Christ died for us. God loved us when we were still sinners.
God loves us, and He wants us to obey Him. We can do that by answering His call to us. So, since Jesus called you, will you get up?