Patience, Patience-Part 2

Good day, readers. I hope you remember my post titled 'Patience, Patience.' I talked about getting my new bed and how long it was going to take to get here, but with my bed, like in all situations, we need to have patience. Today (I know you were waiting for this day as long as I have) bed arrived. I'll wait until the cheering dies down. I wanted to share a verse with you (if you can handle it after this exciting news).

Proverbs 16:20:Whoever gives thought to the word will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.

You may be asking me what this has to do with patience. Well, when I was trying to be patient waiting for my bed, I read the Word and do you know what happened? I discovered good. I trusted in the Lord and (yes, believe me) He blessed me. I followed three steps (one which was not in this passage).
Like I said in Patience, Patience- Part 1 patience is an important quality to have, no matter how difficult it may be at times. I'm not saying that I followed these three steps perfectly, but I did my best, and I'm not saying life will be perfect if you follow these three steps, but trust me, you will be blessed. So, patience, patience readers (you too Jaquelle).