Daddy's Daughter: A Short Summary of My Dad's Sermon

Wisdom: You Want It, You Got It (James 1:5-8)

We live in a difficult world. Everywhere you look there's confusion and pain. In this confusing world, we need wisdom. So, ask for it. When you ask for wisdom from God, you will receive it. About the text we learn the who, what, and where:

WHO DID JAMES WRITE HIS LETTER TO: Jewish Christians who were facing trials; any one who lacks wisdom.
WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM JAMES: We need to ask God for wisdom.
HOW DO WE ASK FOR WISDOM: We need to first know who God is, then ask in faithfulness.

We need to ask, ask, ask! We need to seek, seek, seek! There are three things that God is like and three things that God is not like.
3 Things God is Like
  1. God is a generous giver. (James 1:5)
  2. God is a giver without reproach. (James 1:5)
  3. God is a giver of wisdom. (James 1:5)
3 Things God in Not Like
  1. God is not like Lucy (from The Peanuts Gang) who, whenever played football with Charlie Brown, would hold the football just until Charlie was about to kick. Then, she would pull it away and Charlie Brown would fall flat on his back. God does not offer us wisdom, then snatch it away.
  2. God is not like parents on a long road trip. The kids will keep asking "Are we there yet?" They will ask over and over again. Finally, the parents will blow up at their kids. God wants us to constantly ask for wisdom. He doesn't want us to be afraid to do it, either.
  3. God is most certainly not forgetful. Just the other day, my dad promised to bring home some papers from the church for my mom. My dad said he would. That night, when he came home, my mom asked him if he had the papers. He said "I remembered to put them on my desk in my office. They're not exactly here." He forgot. God will never forget His promises.
So, you want wisdom? Then ask God for it.