Analogy Hour:Who Will You Do Your 'Most Admired' Report On?

For his first report, my mom assigned my brother a 1 page 'Who Do You Most Admire?' report. Because my brother couldn't decide between my mom and my dad, he settled for me.

That got me thinking. Uh-oh! In life, who do you admire most? Do you admire your favorite actress? Maybe you admire your favorite hero or heroine. Maybe, like my brother, you admire a family member or friend. Whoever you admire, they're no match for the Most Admirable-the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Best of the Best. Most people refer to Him as God, Creator of Heaven and Earth. I'm not saying don't admire a human being. I greatly admire my two godly parents. What I'm saying is, always remember who should be first.

So, finally, who will you do your 'most admired report' on?