Not Blogging, Okay; Not Going To Church, Not Okay

Hello, readers. Today I'm going to talk about something that might make some of you a bit uncomfortable. We're going to talk about skipping out on church just because you feel like it.

Yesterday I didn't really feel like blogging. I know that you can't believe that. Some of you are shocked and appalled. Others can't believe that it's true. Well, it is. And that's okay. What?! you say. If I don't feel like blogging, I don't have to. It's not a bad thing. Though, I hate to miss out an opportunity to share whatsgottabesaid with you. I love to blog, and I don't like to miss a day, but if there's something going on, or I'm very busy, or I don't have any epiphanies, that's okay.

That being said, even though it's okay to skip out on blogging every once in a while does not mean that it's okay to skip out on anything. It's not okay to just skip out on school, work, church, juggling lessons, or anything that you've made a commitment to or that you care for. Today I'm not going to talk about skipping out on school, work, or even juggling lessons. Today we're going to talk about skipping out on church.Hebrews 10:24-25 says: 24And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. That means that we need to meet together (i.e. go to church). We need to fellowship with other believers. So, not blogging every once in a while, okay. Skipping out on church just because you don't feel like it, not okay.