NO-vember-Part 1

For today and the next 3 days (with a break on Sunday) we will be doing a special NO-vember series. We will be looking at 4 clear 'NO's' from God to us in the Bible. We know that lots are there, but how often do we specifically look at them? First, today we'll look at a big one.

"You shall have no other gods before me." -Exodus 20:3

The 'no' command above is found in the Ten Commandments. It may seem short and simple to you, but I assure you, it is not. First of all what does it even mean to have other 'gods'? Well, a 'god' is "anything that you worship". Worshiping does not always mean "bowing down and praising", though sometimes that is a problem. Worshiping can mean "simply doing or watching your 'god' instead of a) going to church
b) reading your Bible or
c) talking and building a relationship with God."

Now what are some 'gods?' There are 'gods' such as T.V., magazines, clothes, money, video games, sports, or even unhealthy obsession over Jaquelle's Rose Garden. 'Gods' can be anything that you put above your relationship with God.

YOU TELL ME: We all have 'gods'. I'd love if you would share with me some of your 'gods' and/or how you overcame those 'gods'! Please share in the 'Comments' section.