Out of Sight Olympians- Part 1: Who Are the Real Winners?

Have you been watching the Olympics? I've really been enjoying them. One thing I've noticed though, is that the media, fans, family, and friends of the Olympic athletes seem to sure put a lot of pressure on the athletes to win a medal. They seem to say that if the athletes don't win a medal, they are worthless. That got me thinking . . .

Who are the real winners of the Olympics? Are they the snowboarders that got a medal? Are they the hockey team that scored the most goals? Are they the fastest skiers? Are they the prettiest ice dancers? Are they the people standing on a podium with shiny hunks of metal around their necks? Or maybe they're the athletes that don't get cocky and remain humble during the entire duration of the Olympics. Could they be the athletes that are good sports? The ones that don't yell and scream or start sobbing uncontrollably when they win 4th place? Or is it the girl who does her very best after losing her mother two days ago to a massive heart attack?

Numbers 18:29 says: "Out of all the gifts to you, you shall present every contribution due to the Lord; from each its best part is to be dedicated."

The world tries to convince us that winning is everything, but WINNING ISN'T EVERYTHING. If you didn't know that, I'm sorry that I had to be the one to tell you. Sure, it's nice to win, but if winning is everything to you, what happens when you lose - and we all lose sometimes? My parents always tell me that it's not about if you win or lose, but if you did your very best. That is what a true "winner" is!

So, with all the hubbub of the Olympics going on, as you're watching the medal ceremonies and athletes reactions, think about the real winners of the Olympics. Go Canada - do your best unto the Lord, regardless of your final standing!