How Clear is Scripture To You?

Readers, in my Systematic Theology class, we learned about the clarity of Scripture. I had to write a paragraph to a person who didn't know anything about the clarity of Scripture. I had to explain it to them. I wrote a letter and I decided to share it with you. Here it is:

Dear Friend,

The Bible can be difficult at times to understand, but never impossible. Many people misunderstand Scripture because they are not opening their hearts and minds to fully accept and apply it. When people misunderstand Scripture, they sometimes tend to blame it on the Bible. They claim that Scripture isn't clear enough. When it comes to that, the problem is with the person, not with God or His Words. When you seek God's help and focus your entire being on studying the Bible, Scripture will be clear to you. Although there are gray areas in the Bible, you don't have to have a doctorate degree to understand Scripture clearly. In those gray areas, although the literal meaning of “the gray area” may be “a mystery,” you always learn more about God. By seeking to understand Scripture with your all, you are strengthening your relationship with God.

Your Friend in Christ,

Jaquelle Rose