Daddy's Daughter: A Short Summary of My Dad's Sermon

A Bird in the Hand: Not Worth Two in the Bush
Judges 3:12-30

The sermon in a sentence was: If times are tough, don't lose your hope in God, for His deliverance often comes in unexpected ways. In Judges 3:12-30, we read the story of Ehud and evil King Eglon. You can click the link above if you want to read the story. Basically, the story goes like this: The Israelites turned to wicked ways (again), so God handed them over to their enemies, the Moabites under King Eglon. They were oppressed for 18 years. Then, God raised up Ehud and delivered them through Ehud's killing of Eglon. The Israelites didn't expect God's deliverance to come in this way. We go through tough times just like the Isralites. We may not be oppressed under the Moabites, but we have our struggles. We can't lose hope in God, though! God's deliverance of us will come. It may not be today or tomorrow or next week or next month. It might not be until Jesus' return, but it's coming ... when we least expect it.