Getting to the Heart of God's Will for Our Lives

Last Thursday, when it was my turn to lead our family devotions, I shared a quote from a great book I'm reading: Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung. The book is about finding God's will for your life. I'd encourage you to not only read the quote below, but think about the questions at the end.

Jesus says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness." {Matthew 6:33} He doesn't call us to seek a divine word before scheduling another semester of classes or deciding between bowling and putt-putt golf. He calls us to run hard after Him, His commands, and His glory. The decision to be in God's will is not the choice between Memphis or Fargo or engineering or art; it's the daily decision we face to seek God's kingdom or ours, submit to His lordship or not, live according to His rules or our own. The question God cares about most is not, "Where should I live?" but "Do I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, strength, and mind, and do I love my nieghbour as myself?" (Luke 10:27) It's the second question that gets to the heart of God's will for your life.