Bermuda Day 2 & 3

Day 2 in gorgeous Bermuda was spent with a relaxing day of swimming, and then finished at "Harbor Night" (a cool street festival) in downtown Hamilton (Bermuda's capital city). Today (Day 3) was spent exploring the area of St. George's (a parish -- what they call a community here -- on the east side of the island) and checking out some cool battle forts.

Dad and I jumping off a small cliff over the water .

Above is downtown Hamilton, Bermuda.

This is a Gombi dancer. We saw these colourful dancers at Harbour Night in Hamilton.

This is Travis, my brother, sitting on a bench in Fort St. Catherine, a large military base that was used throughout numerous wars.

This is our family in the Unfinished Church. The building of this church was started to replace St. Peter's Church in Bermuda, but when many problems arose, the building of the church was abandoned. Now, it's a Bermuda historic park.

Above is a picture of downtown St. George.