Today, being Pastor Appreciation Sunday, I decided to share a great acrostic on what a good pastor is, from this month's edition of our church's Beacon, compiled by Darlene Hazel. My dad is my pastor and I appreciate him very much!
P rayerful Partner!
A good pastor prays for me and with me. He praises God for my joys and petitions God for my needs -- but not just me alone. A good pastor prays to the poor, the needy, the saved, the unsaved, the broken, the hurting. A good pastor prays for those who bless or curse and intercedes for us all before His Father in heaven. A good pastor prays for a needy world ... do I?
A mbassador of God!
A good pastor represents God to me. He hears God's Word and ministers it faithfully - in preaching, in teaching, in being! He's ever conscious; He's God's servant. He helps me learn God's ways and God's will. He instructs me in God's Word, whether it's an easy word or a hard word I need to hear. He's not afraid to boldly proclaim God's truth. He's an ambassador of a greater Kingdom than his own and he lives it ... do I?
S piritual Leader!
A good pastor is a spiritual leader to me. He models Christian living -- in his home, in the church, and in the marketplace. He has a deep thirst for God and leads me to the Well so I will thirst too. He loves God's Word and God's House. He has a passion for souls and a heart for God ... do I?
T ouchable Servant of Grace!
A good pastor is someone I can touch. He doesn't look down from spiritual lofty tower, but he walks the real dirt road of life with me. He lisens to me and loves me for who I am and who I am becoming. He understands when I most need God's grace and love, and he's there to extend it to me. He says, "I care," and he means it. He's REAL, and he really loves people ... do I?
O verflowing vessel of God's Love!
A good pastor is someone whose life overflows with the love of Godd -- love for his family, his God, his congregation, and his world. That love spills out from a heart of tender compassion -- even when he's not trying! For God's love so fills him, it naturally flows to others. I see God's love in his eyes, I hear it in his voice, and I feel it with my heart. He loves God so much ... do I?
R ighteous Man of God!
A good pastor is a godly man I can admire. He not only preaches integrity -- he lives it. There's no cause to doubt he message, his morals or his motivations, for they are pure before God and man. He's pure in heart and holy in living ... are we?