"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for a friend."

I couldn't think of any story that more clearly illustrates John 15:13 then the one that was relayed to me this morning.

Picture this: Young mother Donna Rice heads out in her white Mercedes with her two sons, Jordan and Blake, for an afternoon of school uniform shopping. (Can't you just the boys' excited faces?) As the Rice trio drives along, the car is suddenly swept away by surging water. For what I didn't mention was that the family lives in Brisbane, Australia, where devastating floods have destroyed many lives. I can just see the panic stricken look on the three's faces, especially Jordan's.

Jordan has a terrible phobia of the water. He can't swim and he doesn't want anywhere near the water. This is like a nightmare for him.

But suddenly, with much rejoicing, a rescue team arrives. The family climbs on the car to be brought to safety. A rescue worker glances at Jordan. But Jordan shakes his head. He insists (insists!) that his ten year old brother Blake be rescued first. The rescue team obliges. Blake is saved. The rescue workers turn to Jordan and his mother. But before either of them could be saved, a sudden surge comes along, pulling Jordan and his mother into the water, bringing them to their death.

Jordan knew the risks as he stood on his car, putting his brother before himself. He knew that he could be swept away any moment. He trembled in fear at the thought of the crushing water. But that didn't stop him. Thirteen year old Jordan Rice loved his brother so much that he, without a second thought, would die for him.

Let's think about this. Do you love your friends and your family so much that you would die for them? Because that's what Jesus did. Jesus died for you and me, because He loves us so much. As sad as this story is, it provides us with a clear pictures of what it really means to love.