What's So Good About Good Friday?

What in the world is so good about Good Friday - the somber day before Easter, on which the death of the Son of God is remembered and celebrated?

Without Good Friday there would be no Easter. If Jesus didn't die, He wouldn't rise from the grave. If He didn't rise from the grave, He wouldn't be the Son of God. If He wasn't the Son of God, then He wouldn't be able to live a blameless life on earth. If He wouldn't be able to live a blameless life on earth, then He couldn't die as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. If He couldn't die as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, then our sins wouldn't be atoned for. And if our sins weren't atoned for, we would have to bear the full and total wrath of God upon ourselves.

But because of Jesus' death and sacrifice upon the cross, we don't have to bear the wrath and punishment of God upon ourselves. Jesus' death allowed all who repent of their sins and believe in Him to have life! Jesus' death brought us life!

I'd say that that makes Good Friday pretty good news, wouldn't you?