Why Jesus is So Much Better Than the Easter Bunny ...

So I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I know. I just start a nine-part series, and I totally forgot that I planned to do some Easter posts. But hey! At least you got a taste of what was to come in "The Spiritual Fruit Bowl." Tune in after Easter as we continue that series. But enough of my blathering. Onto Easter ....

Why do most kids get excited about Easter? Usually it's because of one person. One person and his gift that make many people very happy. Who is that person that so many kids love and adore when Easter time comes around? The Easter Bunny of course! The Easter Bunny brings chocolate and colourful, plastic eggs filled with treats, and sometimes money or the latest video game. I mean, honestly, who wouldn't love him?

But while the Easter Bunny's gifts may grow stale or moldy, Someone else Who's also celebrated at Easter gives a gift that will never be useless. That Person? Jesus. That gift? Salvation. So why is Jesus so much better than the Easter Bunny?

The Easter Bunny gives chocolate. Jesus gives life. (John 10:28)

The Easter Bunny says it's all about you. But Jesus says that it's all about Him. (John 14:6)

The Easter Bunny has one target audience: kids. Jesus died not for the salvation of one "target audience," but for people of all nationalities, ages, tongues, and creeds. (Romans 10:13)

The Easter Bunny hops into your life and back out of it once a year. Jesus remains a part of your life forever. (Matthew 28:20)

The Easter Bunny isn't real. Jesus is. (Mark 16:14)

The Easter Bunny may give you your favourite kind of jelly bean, but he can never make you whole. Jesus can and will. He will make you complete in Him. But only by repenting and believing in this Son of God, Who is so much better than the Easter Bunny. (John 15:5)