Daddy's Daughter: Insights on My Dad's Sermon

So my dad was getting a little worried at the lack of Daddy's Daughter posts appearing at the garden. But not to worry, Dad! I'm back with some insights from this morning's sermon, on Mark 4:35-41, called "Jesus: The One Who is God."

The text this morning covered the storm on the Sea of Galilee, and the disciples' worry and fear. This story was pretty applicable, because I bet that I can safely say that every single one of you have experienced a time in your life when fear, worry, and doubts crowded your mind. You've probably, at one time or another, responded to these fears the same way the disciples did: "Lord! Don't you care that we're perishing?"

So how do we get rid of our fear and worry? Here's three practical ways to overcome and combat the lies and deception our fears and worries feed us:
  1. Confess your sin. Sometimes we don't realize that worry and fear are sins, but they are, and, like all other sin, they need to be repented of.
  2. Ask for God's help. Without Him, overcoming fear and worry is hopeless, pointless, and impossible.
  3. Focus on Who God is. Dwell on His goodness, His sovereignty, and the fact that He is in control. Block out your problems and focus on Who He really is. Focus on Jesus' sacrifice of His life to cover your sin of worry, fear, and doubt with His precious blood.