Your Saturday Smile: Doctor, Doctor Edition

Today I'll take a break from my "Pondering Proverbs" series and get back to it some time next week. Until then, enjoy your Saturday smile with these five, "doctor, doctor" jokes!

5) "Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm invisible!"
     "Who said that?"

4) "Doctor, doctor, I've broken my arm in two places!"
       "Well, then don't go back there again!"

3) "Doctor, doctor, my little boy has just swallowed a roll of film!"
        "Let's hope nothing develops."

2) "Doctor, doctor, my baby's just swallowed a bullet."
       "Well, don't point him at anyone until I get there!"

1) "Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a dog."
      "Sit on the couch and we'll talk about it."
          "But I'm not allowed up on the couch!"