Growing in Grace: November 2011

Yes, I know that I haven't done a Growing in Grace in two months, but, don't worry, good readers, this installment will not perish! There's too many good articles I've stumbled upon. Now, without further ado, enjoy these and be edified!

10 Reasons Why the New NIV is Bad for Women - Mary Kassian shares some insights on why the new gender-inclusive New International Version Bible is actually bad for women, instead of being a blessing to them.

The Home Advantage - "Is homeschooling becoming a successful alternative to traditional education?"

Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts - I was really blessed by the lyrics to Bernard of Clairvaux's "Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts," shared on Rebecca Stark's blog.

One of God's Purposes in Suffering - "So I guess this is something we ought to keep in mind during those times that it is God’s will for us to suffer. Our suffering is not pointless; it is not meaningless. At least in part, our suffering is mandated by God so we can strengthen and edify our brothers and sisters in Christ so that they, and we, may strive toward Christian maturity."

The 25 Funniest Analogies Written by High School Students - These are just too funny!

Jesus Wants You to Waste Your Life - This article for the Desiring God blog by Jon Bloom was really interesting.

Riding the White Pass & Yukon Railroad Through the Mountains - What a neat collection of photos!