Your Saturday Smile: St. Patrick's Day Edition

In honour of leprechauns, pots of gold, and green-wearing Irishmen everywhere, here's your Saturday smile - St. Patrick's Day edition!

  • Did you hear about the Irishman and his wife who went to bed one night only to be awakened by the neighbour's dog, yapping its head off in the garden? Disturbed by the noise, the Irishman stormed downstairs and outside. Five minutes later, he came back inside. "What did you do it?" asked his wife. The Irishman replied with a wide grin, "I've put the dog in our garden so I did, now let's see how they like it."
  • Did you hear about the Irishman who lost a hundred dollars on the Melbourne Cup, a famous Australian horse race? He lost another hundred dollars on the television replay.
  • Did you hear about the Irishman who wanted to buy some nails? "How long do you want them?" asked the tinker. The Irishman replied, "Forever, if that be all right with you."
  • Did you hear about the Irishman who ordered fish and chips? The waitress said, "Very well. The fish won't be long." Suggested the Irishman, "Then they'd better be fat."