Growing in Grace: July 2012

Here's this month's round-up of edifying articles to help you grow in grace!
  • 10 Tips on Solving Mysterious Bible Passages from Sherlock Holmes - "What can a fictional detective teach you about how to study the Bible? A lot. Last summer, I read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Time and time again, Holmes commented to Watson about how to solve mysterious cases in ways that apply directly to studying the Bible.
  • God is Merciful Not to Tell Us Everything - This was something I hadn't really thought about.
  • 5 Questions to Ask of a Book - Tim Challies uses this criteria for recommending books, but I think this is helpful for all of us when reading.
  • Complementarianism for Dummies"Last week a reporter asked me to define “complementarianism.”  She didn't know what it meant. And that’s not entirely surprising. “Complementarity” is a word that doesn't appear in the Bible, but is used by people to summarize a biblical concept. It’s like the word “Trinity.” The Bible never uses the word “Trinity.” But it’s undeniable that it points to a Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Though the concept of male-female complementarity is present from Genesis through Revelation, the label “complementarian” has only been in use for about 25 years."
  • Jesus' Doctrine of Scripture - Do you have the same view of Scripture that Jesus does?
  • The Dark Night in Denver - Groping for Answers - "The news hit the airwaves like a sudden onslaught, and the truth began to sink in. It has happened again. This time, 50 people shot while attending the midnight premier of the last in the Batman sequence, “The Dark Knight Rises."
  • Internet and Mail: Now and Then - On a lighter note than the previous article, here's an amusing comic looking at the internet and actual mail, comparing ten years ago and now.
  • Trust or Tyranny? - "Trust or tyranny. That is the choice. Trust the promises of God—which will free you to live joyfully under His loving lordship—or live under the tyranny of that which you will not surrender."
  • Space and the Sky - Here's two incredible time-lapse videos, one taken in space and one of the sky. What an amazing Creator our God is!