Reflections on Amazing Wonders: Day 4

After an absolutely hectic day yesterday, we get to have some down time today. Yes! But really, this week has been incredible. What a joy to serve these 37 kids we have registered at Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS!

This week I've been thinking a lot about God's power. Maybe that's because our VBS theme verse is Psalm 147:5 - "Our Lord is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite." Maybe it's because our motto is: "Awesome God! Amazing Power!" Or maybe it's because of the songs we've been singing this week, filled with lines like, "[God], you have the power over all things," "if God has power over my circumstances," "Amazing Wonders Aviation, encountering God's awesome power," and "I wanna walk, I wanna talk, I wanna live in your power." This week has been all about the power of God. Each day has a different theme. Day 1 was "God's Power over Nature." Day 2 was "God's Power over Circumstances." Day 3 was "God's Power over Sin." Today, day 4, was "God's Power over Death," and tomorrow, day 5 is "God's Power over My Life."

These days, not a lot of people talk about God's power. They emphasize His love, His goodness, His kindness, all good, true things, but often at the expense of His power. This week we wanted to show the kids that our God is powerful, sovereign, doing whatever He wants, decreeing whatever commands He wants us to follow, and completely worthy of our praise. I think the kids are getting it too. They're recognizing that our God is omnipotent, all powerful - He has control over everything.

So let's seek to live by the power of God. For He truly is an awesome God, and He has amazing power!