Growing in Grace: October 2012

Do you know what just hit me the other day? I don't believe I did a September Growing in Grace. Shame on me! Well, I'll throw in a few extra links because I missed last month. Enjoy these links!

  • Wishing - "Many times I have found myself wishing for a stronger desire for God. I wish I had a stronger desire to fellowship with Him, to serve Him, worship Him, and to read and obey His Word. I use the word “wish” because I've realized that sometimes that’s exactly what I've been doing. Wishing. And in case you didn't know, wishing really doesn't get you anywhere."
  • Truth is Our Cinderella's Castle - I loved this article! "Sometimes it can be hard for me to figure out who is right and who is wrong. Who understands the heartbeat of God and who has an alternate agenda? Who has correct insight into Scripture and who’s confused, deceived, or just plain ill-informed? When my head starts spinning in this way, I remember that Truth is my Cinderella’s Castle. Let me explain."
  • Reducing Modesty to Rules - Tim Challies shares a quote from his and R.W. Glenn's new book, "Modesty."
  • Why Does Autumn Have Two Names? - Ever wondered why we call this season autumn and/or fall? This article tells you.
  • God is Good All the Time - "God is so good. God is so good. God is so good. He's so good to me. Such a simple song. It's easy to learn, simple enough to teach a child, and very useful for humming while you rock a baby to sleep.  The goodness of God, however, extends to heights and depths that we can spend a life time pursuing."
  • Why Oprah and Brad Pitt Deserted God (And Why You Shouldn't) - This short video is just an excerpt on the self-exaltation of God from John Piper's most recent sermon, "God is Most Glorified in Us When We are Most Satisfied in Him."
  • Some Autumn Photography from girltalk - The girltalkers have some beautiful fall pictures here, here and here.
  • Freedom for the Perfectionist - This short little post, adapted from Haley DiMarco's new book, "The Fruitful Wife," really spoke to me, a rather obsessive perfectionist.
  • Lego and the Lord of the Rings - Two hilarious stop-motion videos on Kevin DeYoung's blog. Check them out!