Your Saturday Smile: Dream Vacation Bloopers

I guess some crazy bloopers of this dream vacation would be fitting to give you your Saturday smile. It certainly gave me mine!

Can you believe I met famous Blue Jays' baseball player, Jose Bautista, at the Halifax Airport? Okay, maybe it was just a cardboard cut-out of him in front of Booster Juice, but seriously, doesn't this picture of him look real?

Travis in Macy's New York, terrified of the Lala Loopsies. Man, those things just give us the creeps!
For legal purposes, I cannot reveal who touched this life saving equipment, but that beautiful finger may belong to my mother.
The friend Dad made at Lego Land. Should somebody tell him he's is made of Lego?
Here's Grandpa being... well, Grandpa! He's the best!
I think this (slightly psychotic) picture of me will he perfect on my modelling portfolio - how about it?
Mom's total pen and pencil collection by the end of the trip. I know - she's insane ... insanely fabulous!

Happy Saturday!