The End

Well, it's all over. All that's left in our house is the tree, a few scattered decorations, and a Christmas song or two forgotten on the playlist. Christmas is done. The Christmas tree no longer holds any magic. The canned carols start to grate on your nerves. The movies just aren't the same. The food begins to go. Everything starts to seem just a little ... well, old now. But thankfully Christmas is not just about presents, food, tinsel or trees. It's about the One who came down from heaven, who humbled Himself to take the form of a baby, and then grew up and died an atoning death for all the sins that His people committed, and then rose victoriously from the grave and, after ascending, now reigns with the Father in heaven again. He is what not only Christmas is about, but every day of the year. As a friend remarked to me recently, "You know if we thought about Jesus as much as we do at Christmas and Easter, our lives would be changed." And she's right.

So, as now is the time when most people are feeling the 'after Christmas let down,' let's rejoice in the fact that for Christians, we can celebrate the birth of Christ (and the life and death and resurrection of Christ) all year, every day. Just like Ebeneezer Scrooge resolved, we can keep Christmas in our hearts all the year. So even though it may be the end of the season around us, let's focus on the Reason for the Season in our hearts!