Growing in Grace: March 2013

Well the end of March snuck up on me, and so I'm substituting this week's Saturday Smile for Growing in Grace. (But I hope it'll make you smile too!)

Holy Week and the Insomnia of Jesus - "When the disciples screamed in the face of a storm, Jesus slept (Mk. 4:37-38). When Jesus screamed in the face of a cross, the disciples slept (Mk. 14:37,41)."

This is the Body the Lord Has Made - An especially thought-provoking post on God's command (yes, command) to exercise.

Remember and Worship - Lisa Spence's reflections on Easter traditions and worship of our Risen Saviour.

Rivers of Tears and Those Who Mourn - This post over at Lies Young Women Believe talks about grief over sin and was especially enlightening after writing about our attitude of repentance.

Reasons to Rejoice - A great quote by Jeff Purswell!

What Does It Mean for Jesus to Despise Shame? - John Piper answers this question that I've always kinda wondered.

Chinese Abortions - A devastating look at the greatest slaughter in human history.

The Blessings of God Are Released Through Persistent Prayer - "God often appears hostile to test the strength of our faith in his goodness: “Like a child trying to push against the hand of a parent, the parent gives only enough resistance to test the resolve of the child. So God resists us in prayer, to see our resolve in his goodness.” Will we press through what looks like hostility to see the rushing river of God’s goodness that runs underneath?"

The State of the Bible - Interesting infographic.

Penguin Fails - And now, for the culmination of this month's GiG ... penguin bloopers!