Have you ever looked yourself squarely in the mirror and realized suddenly that it's just not your day? Wait - maybe you misunderstand me. I don't mean that you realize you're having a bad day. I mean that you realize it is literally not your day.
That the day you hold in your grasp doesn't belong to you.
That your time is not your own.
That every minute you breathe, every morning you wake up, every day you live is God's.
That you are only a steward of the time God has given you, and that you are entrusted to care for it well.
Jonathan Edwards, a brilliant theologian from the eighteenth century, understood this well. Steven J. Lawson wrote this about him:
"In Edwards' view, time was infinitely valuable and utterly irreplaceable when lost. He understood God had sovereignly allotted him a specific measure of time, a precise number of years, days, hours and even seconds in which he would live. His days, literally, were numbered. He was merely a steward of his time and would be accountable to God for its use." (From The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards by Steven J. Lawson. Copyright © 2008 by Reformation Trust. All rights reserved.)Do we realize this? I know I often don't. I think of each day as my own - a day to pursue what I want, a day to accomplish things for me, a day that is mine. But this day is not my own. It is my Father's. Just like our money is not our own and we are to be only temporary, and proper, care-takers of it, we must make good use of the time God has given us.
So let this spur you on to live this day like it's not your own. I know I will. Because it's just not my day.