Sleepy and Selfish

Last night I just had one of those bad nights. I tossed and turned. I moved from the air mattress (we're staying at the grandparents') to the couch, and then back to the air mattress. I lay there, exhausted, but sleep would not come. I'm blaming it on the Skip-Bo and frozen yogurt before bed. Then I had to get up at six for an early show this morning, but I was awake before five. Consequently, at the present moment, I am sleepy. And I am also feeling just a little bit selfish.

Why do those two things seem to go together? When you have a bad sleep, you feel that since you were cheated out of a good sleep you're at least owed a good day. And by "good," I mean a day where nothing could happen to upset you, frustrate you or put you out in any way. Maybe you can relate. When I'm sleepy, I get selfish.

But that is no excuse.

Just because I'm tired it does not mean that it is an excuse to sin. It is no excuse to get selfish. It is just, in fact, another opportunity, a special opportunity, to exercise patience and strive for holiness. Proverbs 16:24 says,
"Patience is better than power, and controlling one’s temper, than capturing a city."
Galatians 5:22:
 "But the fruit of the spirit is ... patience." 
Proverbs 19:11:
"A person’s insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense." 
So even when I'm feeling sleepy and selfish, I'm going to be, first, aware that I'm more susceptible to sin, second, pray for patience, and third strive for holiness. And maybe take a nap.