Keep Calm and (Don't) Love Life

Right now there's a lot of talk about "dancing through life." Living life to the fullest and enjoying every aspect of it. Taking a second, a minute, an hour and just loving life. But did you know this is actually contrary to the Word of God? In John 12:25, Jesus said, "Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." It sounds kind of like a paradox, doesn't it? We wear the t-shirt that says "Keep Calm and Love Life," because we think that's just what we should do, and what we deserve.

But I think we've forgotten that earth is just a temporary stopping place. And it's not a vacation; it's a missions trip. We've forgotten that this life is not to love but to lose. To lose for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Perhaps not our physical death (but maybe), but always our death to self. As Josh Harris says in "Dug Down Deep:"
"But this is a slow sort of death. It's not a death that takes away life but a death that gives others life. It's a death of taking up a cross and walking in the footsteps of our crucified Savior. It's suffering for the message of the gospel. It's dying to popularity and being a church that stands for righteousness. This is something much more painful and terrifying than a split-second decision to press a button and become a human bomb. But it is the way of Jesus, and it leads to everlasting life."
Life is not meant to be loved or idolized, but to be sacrificed for Christ. This life is not our own, but His. That doesn't mean we can't enjoy the good things God has given us here. I enjoy being alive, enjoy the sunshine, good books, ice cream, drama, spending time with friends and family and so much more on this earth. But I must recognize that this life is not my own to live but it is Christ's to lose. The world is marred by sin, and Christ died to atone for sin so I could live for His glory, not my own. So let's keep calm and, for the sake of the gospel, (not) love life.