Growing in Grace: June 2013

God Does Not Owe Us a Happy Ending - "There is danger in our dedication to happy endings. We may come to believe that God extends his goodness and grace only in those situations that end happily. We may believe that a happy ending is what proves God’s presence through it. We may believe that the experiences that do not have a happy ending mean that God is somehow removed from it. We may resent the times that we do not hear the crescendo of the music and see in our own lives a story other people will want to hear."

A Window to Our Desires - Have you ever thought about why we complain?

Dying Well: One Woman's Extraordinary Story - "Margaret Magdalen Jasper (1752–1789) doesn’t have a Wikipedia page. Google her name and you’ll find almost nothing about her life. What she looked like is a mystery. She wasn’t famous in her day, and she’s still not famous in our day. Her ordinary life was filled with disappointments, the kind of life history tends to forget. But her story is worth telling."

Reflecting Christ in Summertime - "Here are a few summer time activity ideas from the Apostle Paul. Even though these were originally written about a specific group of women, they should describe us all."

When Solomon Tweeted - Last month King Solomon gave a commencement address. This month, he's joined Twitter.

The Story Behind the Photo - "I made this blog because a photo of my husband and I has gone viral on the internet. I wanted to share the story behind the photo for the hundreds of thousands of people who found inspiration through this sweet moment we had."

Of Summer's Lease and Sabbath Song - Jen Wilkin reflects on worshipping a God who commands us to rest.

My Life as a Pastor's Kid - This articles summarizes brilliantly me as a PK.

Love is More Than a Choice - John Piper pushes back on the popular saying.

The Evolution of the Swimsuit - "Modesty is not about hiding ourselves, but revealing our dignity."