My Freedom Plans

It's finally here. The day of liberation. My chains are cast off. I'm free. School's out for the summer! Yesterday a math exam, today a history exam, and now I'm done. Clear the books off the table, file the papers away and get ready for summer to begin! As I started thinking about what other released prisoners do, and about this bountiful, beautiful summer ahead, full of possibilities and fun and sunshine, I decided that I would make a list of things I want to do. That way, at the end of the summer, I can look back and see what I accomplished over these vacations months. So now, readers, you will get to see some of my summer plans. This list is in no particular order. (Well, mostly. You may want to take note, though, what the first thing on the list is. That is in order of importance.)
  1. Read. Read lots. I want to read some classics (i.e. Austen, Alcott, Dickens, Hugo), some classic brain candy (i.e. books that don't require a lot of deep thinking, or, a lot of YA fiction) and some classic food for the soul (i.e. theology books by Steven Lawson, John Piper, Bryan Chapell).
  2. Get ready for VBS. This week in July is probably the highlight of my entire summer. This year I get to lead music on my own, with my lovely assistant being my brother, and we'll be practing our dancing till we drop. This is what I call fun.
  3. Study my provincial driver's manual. I need to get ready to take my driver's tests in August. 
  4. Hit the beach. Our family's blessed to live ten minutes away from one of the most beautiful beaches in the province, and we love to make good use of it. The water may be some of the coldest in the country ... I'm sorry, the continent, but it's still fun to swim in!
  5. Eat way too much ice cream. Now, readers, please hold me to this at the end of the summer. If I failed in this aspiration, I've failed in them all. 
  6. See Despicable Me 2. That movie is going to be golden.
  7. Keep up with memorizing Romans. Should be almost finished by the end of the summer.
  8. Go to Vancouver. Thanks to my fantastic grandparents, Dad and I will be flying out in mid-August to celebrate my birthday with my extended family in BC.
  9. Sleep in. This is a no-brainer. How many times have I gotten up at the crack of dawn during the school year only to sleepily yearn for the lazy days of summer?
  10. Go outside and enjoy God's creation! I can't wait to spend some time in the beautiful sunshiney land we call outdoors. Yay for summer!