All's Well that Ends Well

Well, VBS is done. Cue collective sigh of relief (and sad sniffles of disappointment). It's all over for another year. The church has been de-amusement-park-ified. The matching turquoise shirts have been thrown in the wash and into a drawer. The kids have gone home. The Bibles have been given out. The food has been eaten. And the songs are still stuck in our heads ...

We're already planning for next year, with a secret agent theme in the works. Saying goodbye to Colossal Coaster World just means getting ready to say hello to Agency D3! It's been a joy this week to see the kids learn truths about God they never knew before. We've planted the seeds. Now it's up to God to do the watering and produce growth.

We volunteers are kind of exhausted, but it's the good kind of exhausted. Not the weary, anxious, "thank goodness it's over," but the happy, contented, "sad to see it end" kind. It's the kind that leaves us eager for more energy to keep going, but knowing the fun's over for this year gets us excited to do it all again next year.

After a barbecue lunch and lots of hugs, the kids and their families left this afternoon leaving a trail of promises to return in September for our Thursday night Kid's Club. How many of those promises will turn into reality, only God knows. But this week has definitely been a VBS to remember, and for that I am glad to say Y-E-S to V-B-S!