Your Saturday Smile

Last week we had a blast of hot summer weather, and though it cooled down this week, the forecast is showing high temperatures again for next week. In the midst of all this heat, occasionally I ask myself, "Do you think it's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk?" (Sometimes I'm a bit schizophrenic.) In Halifax, the answer is always, "not a chance," but apparently in Death Valley, there is a chance, in fact, quite a bit of a chance. Unfortunately, the National Park maintenance had to, ahem, "[crack] down on rogue egg frying." Read the story for yourself.

Death Valley National Park officials may be regretting showing people that their California park lands get hot enough to fry an egg on the pavement.

Last month, one of the park's employees posted a video of her using Death Valley's extreme heat to fry an egg on a frying pan. ... The video neither encouraged nor dissuaded park goers from trying the science experiment. The woman simply offered some advice for those wanting to try to fry an egg in Death Valley.

"If you're going to try [frying an egg] in Death Valley, I highly recommend using a skillet because if you put it on the ground, it just makes a mess," says the park employee.

Naturally, people started experimenting.
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