An Explanation

Well if the Garden tends to be a little less busy these next ten days, I feel I ought to offer an explanation now. The short answer? I'm heading to Vancouver on Monday. The longer answer? My grandparents are flying Dad and me out to celebrate my birthday with them. We have a jam-packed schedule planned, including lots of shopping, lots of family and lots of fun! (Oh, and hopefully lots of White Spot too; I hope you're reading this, Grammy!) Tomorrow is part one of packing, and then part two is Sunday evening, and part three is early Monday morning (before we head to the airport, of course!)

So all this to say that though I'm going to try to keep up the Garden as best as I can, if the posts get a little sporadic over the eight days I'm away, now I've given you an explanation. Tomorrow's Saturday, so there will be a Your Saturday Smile, of course, but I thought I'd explain myself now. Summer's speeding by fast; enjoy these last golden days of warm vacation and relaxation while you can! Rest is good. Our God is a God of rest (while also a God of work), but let us never forget to take some time to give our tired bodies a break and worship God in rest.