Growing in Grace: September 2013

It's hard to believe that it's almost the very end of September! This was an excellent month for some excellent articles so here's my roundup:

Lay Aside the Weight of Prideful Comparison - Jon Bloom: "Comparison is not inherently sinful. In fact, the Bible wants us to be “imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:12). Imitation requires comparison. But if we are not vigilant and ruthlessly pursuing humility, pride will hijack comparison. Pride wants glory for the self and sees others not as necessary parts of Christ’s body carrying out sacred callings, but as threats to self-glory. When pride rules comparison, jealousy and selfish ambition result (James 3:16)."

Three Dangers of Busyness: An Infographic - Though busyness itself is definitely not a sin (if it was, I think we'd all be guilty), it can lead to some problems if we're not careful. That's what this infographic highlights.

Haters Hate and Liars Lose: Knowing Your Real Enemies - "Confession: I LOVE CHOCOLATE. Specifically, Dove Chocolates. I don't know if it's the morsels of chocolate wrapped so perfectly in foil with happy little messages to think on as the little pieces of heavenly goodness melt away in my mouth or if it's the fact that they come in these tiny little portion-controlled bites. ... But the last time I indulged in my confectionary treat, I was alarmingly taken aback by the messages Dove was sending me."

From Hitler's Wolves to Christ's Lambs - A remarkable story about one Missouri pastor and some of Hitler's closest men.

Temptation is the Not the Same as Sin - Kevin DeYoung: "It’s one of those things we know to be true on an intellectual level, but we forget it easily in personal experience. Temptation is not the same as sin."

Do You Have a Personal Relationship with Satan? - A helpful reminder from Tim Challies.

A (Serious) Comic about Jesus' Character - Not all comics have to be funny. Some can simply make you think.

Grieving in a Way that Honors God - Rebecca Stark shares a quote from J.I. Packer's book, "A Grief Sanctified." Very poignant.

Astronomy Photographs - Absolutely spectacular: "Australian photographer Mark Gee has beaten more than a thousand amateur and professional photographers from around the planet to win the title Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013. The competition is run by the Royal Observatory Greenwich and BBC Sky at Night Magazine."