A Few Matters of Housekeeping

It was almost inevitable that with the launch of the new website there'd have to be a few matters of housekeeping. Here are two:

1. Social Media. First, I am officially on Twitter. And I love it! You can follow me @jaquelledotca. Be one of my first followers! Second, my new email has been set up, so feel free to send me an email through the little envelope icon in the top right hand corner of the page. Third, you can now read my RSS feed through the farthest right icon. Unfortunately, facebook and Google+ are still not set up, but that's another post for another time. For now, I'd love to hear from you through email or Twitter and you can read me through Feedburner's RSS.

2. Emailed Posts. So previously I mentioned that if you had signed up to receive my posts by email you wouldn't have to sign up on jaquelle.ca again. And that's true. Sort of. What I didn't realize is that when you receive an email for my post now, it will say from jaquelle.ca, but it will also still say Jaquelle's Rose Garden. Greater minds than mine have tried to get rid of the Jaquelle's Rose Garden. Yet it has prevailed against us. The only way to get rid of it is to unsubscribe to your updates and re-subscribe to jaquelle.ca's emails. But of course,if you don't mind seeing the Jaquelle's Rose Garden, you don't have to unsubscribe and re-subscribe. It's completely up to you!

So, there are my matters of housekeeping. Now, I've got to get back on Twitter. I need to hang out with all my new friends ...