Growing in Grace: October 2013

Questions We Should Ask Before Posting on Social Media - R.C. Sproul Jr. asks ten helpful questions to consider when writing a social media post.

A Friend of Sinners and No Friend of Sin - "We must not think of relationships with non-Christians primarily as dangers but as opportunities. Do we go out into the world hoping for conversion or expecting contamination?"

The Honest Truth - Carolyn Mahaney draws hope of happiness from the Lamentations of Jeremiah.

The Art and Science of the Humblebrag - "Of all the words coined in response to the realities of this digital world, of all the words recently added to the dictionary, humblebrag must be among the best. According to the Macmillan dictionary, a humblebrag is “a statement in which you pretend to be modest but which you are really using as a way of telling people about your success or achievements.” It is bragging in the guise of humility, putting a thin veneer of humble over a clear expression of proud. And it seems to be an integral part of an effective social media presence."

How the Ayres Family Buried Their Eight Children - Wow. How horrible. Yet what a testimony of God's faithfulness.

How to Humbly Give and Receive Correction"Because we struggle so much with pride, correction can be difficult to give graciously and difficult to receive graciously. That’s one reason to be very thankful for Exodus 18. God is so kind to have Jethro and Moses give us a clinic on what humble correction looks like on both sides."

Why We Should Legalize Murder for Hire - The case for legalizing assassination. 

A Brothel is No Place for a Child - "I'm sitting on a wooden bench inside a brothel in Mumbai, India. This is the second brothel I have entered on 14th Lane in Kamathipura, one of the largest red-light districts in the world. The morning is underway here."

A Christian's Guide to Sci-Fi - "It is always my preference to avoid telling you what to think and instead equip you to think for yourselves using God's Word as your ultimate guide. So you won't find any absolutes in this post. I can't say exactly what you should and should not read or watch, but I can remind you of some spiritual litmus tests that are wise to take whenever considering your entertainment choices."

Wildlife Photographer of the Year - These pictures are so neat! What a magnificent God we have!