Three Prayers for Facing Monday (Or Any Tomorrow)

 Jonathan Parnell:

This is one of those really deep, common truths — one which Jonathan Edwards expounds with the intellectual horsepower of a genius, and to which our most common experience testifies: Essential to our present joy is the anticipation of greater joy to come. This is why, for example, the best part of going on vacation is often the day before we start it. The glad anticipation of what will be compounds in the present and gives us a good feeling. But the closer we get to the last day of vacation, the more the joy diminishes. Sound familiar? In American culture, the weekend can be a miniature version of this experience. After five days of work, many of us look forward to two days off on Saturday and Sunday. The height of anticipation comes Friday — TGIF! — but by Sunday evening the cheer is gone. Tomorrow we face Monday, with all its certain trials and trying uncertainties. So how will you face it? How can we make the most of Sunday to prepare for the less-than-enthusiastic tomorrow? In complement to corporate worship, here are three prayers for facing Monday.

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