Your Saturday Smile: Vacation 2013 Edition

I've shared with you over a dozen of our vacation highlights in pictures, but now I have to share with you some of our ... ahem ... sillier moments. These are bloopers - a few of our goofy moments and a few goofy memories!

The stare down at SeaWorld

When Mom bought a stuffed monkey pirate from St. Thomas and hung him in our cabin on the ship, our fantastic room steward created a unique towel monkey and hung him beside Mom's monkey! What a surprise when we returned to our room to find not one monkey but two!

Just hangin' around

Poor Mom ...

We got a little wet on the Atlantis flume ride at SeaWorld

We got a lot wet on the Bilge Rat Barges water raft at Islands of Adventure! 

Go Chick-fil-A!

This was the lovely beach we went to in Barbados. The owners obviously had a sense of humour!

Dad and I random dancing in our cabin!

Well, that was our trip in pictures. It was a fantastic, fun-filled, food-filled, silly, crazy, wet, hot, relaxed and re-charging vacation! We were so blessed to be able to go away and will remember many of these good memories for a long time. 

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17