The Day After

It's the day after Christmas. The day after the presents have been opened. The day after the first turkey (or ham, or chicken, or lobster) dinner has been eaten. The day the tree looks a little old, the carols a little tinny, the house a little messy, the leftovers a little dry, the snow a little stark, and the moods a little low. It's Boxing Day, the Day After.

But the Day After doesn't need to leave us low. We don't need to immediately book a vacation getaway to someplace sunny, or start planning for Valentine's Day, or try to leave our Christmas decorations up for three months. We have a hope that transcends after-Christmas let-downs, a hope that doesn't need material things to fill its need. It is the hope of the birth of a Saviour, a hope to be celebrated the Day After just as much as Christmas Day. It is the hope of a Saviour on a cross, the death of God-become-man, and it is the hope of a Saviour conquering death, raised to life and to glory.

Let your Day After be filled with joy, fueled by the hope of Christ and a future day when there will be no more let-downs, no more tears, no more pain, and no more sin. Let your Day-After be a day of celebration.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." (1 Peter 1:3)