What Burk Parsons Taught Me About Christmas

A little while ago I saw a quote by Burk Parsons that left me a little puzzled at first read:

"Christmas exists because sin exists."

After reading it I wondered what exactly the statement meant. Was he saying that Christmas wouldn't exist if the pagans hadn't started it? Was he saying that Christmas exists because today sin is rooted in so many of our practices? It took some clarifying with my dad to get it straightened out. He rephrased the quote kind of like this,

"If sin didn't exist, there wouldn't be a need for Christmas."

This cleared it up. If there wasn't sin, there would no need for the Incarnation. Jesus need not have come to be born, live and then die. But there is and was sin. And that's why we need Christmas. We need the hope of the birth of a Saviour - today just as much as two thousand years ago.

Let us rejoice in our Saviour's birth, for if there was no Christmas, there'd be no hope.