A Prayer for the Weekend

I've noticed something in my own life recently that has had an impact on how I spend my weekends - I get lazy. I look at Friday night through Sunday night as "time off" from godliness. Not that I would actually say it like that! I would never consciously pursue ungodliness, but I fear sin creeps in quite quietly. So here is a prayer I've crafted for the weekend:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another week - of breath, of life, of smiles, and even of snow. I take my very life for granted so much, but the fact that You have brought me to another weekend is indeed praiseworthy.

As I look at these next few days, Lord, I know that You have good works prepared for me to do. (Ephesians 2:10) Forgive me for being lazy when it comes to pursuing them, for thinking that Saturdays are for taking a day off from good works. Give me open eyes to see them and a willing heart to do them, for the good of others, and for Your glory.

Give me discernment and awareness about how to best use my time. (Ephesians 5:15-17; Colossians 4:5) You know that it's too easy for me to waste precious minutes in many ways.

Help me not to get lazy in relation to my thought life. (Philippians 4:8) Studying all week leaves me mentally tired, but I know that's no reason to "shut off my brain," whether it's through TV or fluffy novels. I echo Jonathan Edwards' 61st Resolution, that I desire to be "[r]esolved, that I will not give way to that listlessness which I find unbends and relaxes my mind from being fully and fixedly set on religion, whatever excuse I may have for it-that what my listlessness inclines me to do, is best to be done, etc." I know that I can only do that by Your power, Lord.

Help me not to get lazy in relation to my words. (Colossians 4:6; Proverbs 4:24, 6:12, 22:11; James 1:19, 16) It's a great temptation to not "bridle my tongue," as James commands, to be slow to hear, but much faster to speak and faster to anger. Forgive me.

Give me the desire to hunger and thirst for Your Word this weekend, and to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:17) It's easy to get distracted with meaningless things, to sleep late and ignore morning devotions. Give me the strength to be disciplined, but with joy.

I pray for the grace to look past this weekend to eternity, to keep the coming of Christ in mind through the mundane Saturday routine. (James 4:14) Help me remember that this life is but a mist, a passing breath. Give me hope and an urgency fueled by that.

Help me to prepare well for Sunday, to not waste my Saturday, but to ready myself to hear Your Word proclaimed and on this first Sunday of the month, to take part in the Lord's Supper. (1 Corinthians 11:27-28). Help me to examine myself and my motives, for I know that You know me better than anyone.

Father, bless me this weekend as I pursue Your glory, through Your Word and the edification of my physical and spiritual family. Make this weekend less about me, and all about You. Forgive me of my sins, and lead me in righteousness, for Your name's sake. Give me the strength to mortify sin, to not "wait for the miracle, but to "act it," as John Piper put it, by Your power. Give me purpose and willingness and joy and an overwhelming desire to pursue godliness this weekend.

In the name of Jesus and only because of Him,