My Summer Book List

The summer ahead holds a brand new experience for me - that of full-time academics. I have never studied full-time throughout the summer months, and so this season is set to be very busy but very productive. Yet just because I'm studying, it doesn't mean I won't have time for reading. That's why I've decided to compile a bit of a summer reading list.

Calvin on the Christian Life: Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever by Michael Horton - I'm so excited to read this one! There are many misconceptions and gruesome caricatures about John Calvin the man, but in this book, Horton centres not on the controversy but on the impact of Calvin's theology on the Christian walk. I think it's going to be excellent.

A Night to Remember: The Classic Account of the Final Hours of The Titanic by Walter Lord - This book was first published in 1955, and apparently it's never lost steam in its publication. A Night to Remember is just as, if not more, popular today as it was when it came out. USA Today called it "the most riveting narrative of the disaster," and The Atlantic Monthly said it's "enthralling from the first word to the last."

The Church and the Surprising Offense of God's Love: Reintroducing the Doctrines of Church Membership and Discipline by Jonathan Leeman - Since my series on young adults and church membership and a recent bible study series on membership, I've spent a lot of time thinking about this very issue. The church is so important that we cannot neglect it, and neither can we afford to have a shaky theology of it.

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott - I've heard many readers and writers alike recommend this book on writing and we'll see if it lives up to its expectations.

Phantastes by George MacDonald - A friend of mine was reading this book in school and she mentioned it to me. Since its plot intrigued me, I downloaded it free on my Kindle. The novel follows a young man's journey into Fairy Land and, consequently, his discovery of himself.

Praying Backwards: Transform Your Prayer Life by Beginning in Jesus' Name by Bryan Chapell - My parents read this one a while ago and it's been sitting on my Kindle for months now. Prayer is a discipline I've always struggled with, and I look forward to reading Chapell's thoughts on "praying in Jesus' name."

Here is Our God: God's Revelation of Himself in Scripture edited by Kathleen Nielson and D. A. Carson - From the description: "Scripture records a number of instances in which God visibly revealed himself to his people, offering a glimpse of his stunning beauty and overwhelming glory. ... In this collection of biblical expositions, eight prominent Bible teachers explore key passages in which God displayed himself in a spectacular revelation. ... (T)he passages examined in this book challenge us to look afresh at our God—that we might truly know, love, and serve him."

What are you reading this summer?

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