Growing in Grace: September 2014

Lay Aside the Weight of Irritability - This is so good, a much-needed reminder.

What Jesus Didn't Say - Kevin DeYoung looks at Matthew 5 from the interpreation of someone much more relevant and "up-to-date."

Are Those Who Have Never Heard of Christ Going to Hell? - R.C. Sproul: "That’s one of the most emotionally laden questions that a Christian can ever be asked. Nothing is more terrifying or more awful to contemplate than that any human being would go to hell."

Dear College Students, Read These Books - Matt Smethurst: "I’d like to recommend six books for three different groups of students: non-Christians willing to learn about Christianity, new Christians, and students serving on (or preparing for) a ministry leadership team."

Materialism: The Material Girl - The late James Montgomery Boice unpacks this dangerous "ism" and its contrast to the teaching of Jesus.

Why Curious People Don't Get Bored - Tim Challies reflects on the cure to boredom.

The One Friend Who Won't Delete You - I like the idea of this post. "I doubt there’s ever been a time in history when people could be so easily rejected by friends as they can now through social media. With a click we can delete or be deleted by people who once were our “friends” – whether they were actual friends to begin with or not. The ease with which we can eliminate people who offend us is disturbing."

Help Us Write a Book on Emotions - "We’ve started work on a new book about emotions and we want to hear from you! Please send us any thoughts or questions you have, short or long."

Rush Hour - This is kind of a mesmerizing short video.