Golden Calves Under the Tree

"What do you want for Christmas?" we ask.

"How are you celebrating the Saviour's birth?" we rarely ask.

Have we stuffed golden calves in our stockings? Has idolatry invaded our perception of Christmas, warping it into something untrue? Has idolatry burdened us this Christmas?

John Piper says,

What is an idol? Well, it is the thing. It is the thing loved or the person loved more than God, wanted more than God, desired more than God, treasured more than God, enjoyed more than God. ... It starts in the heart, craving, wanting, enjoying, being satisfied by anything that you treasure more than God.

It manifests itself in apparently innocent ways. We spend a little too much money on gifts. We skimp on a couple offerings. We skip church for a Christmas concert. And it seems like no big deal.

But it is. It is ruining our Christmas. It is ruining our lives. Why? Piper again:

Why are idols dangerous is: Because the wrath of God is coming upon idolatry. Nothing is more dangerous than the wrath of an omnipotent, all righteous God.

We don't want to think about the wrath of God this Christmas, but there can be no good news without this bad news. Idolatry will destroy us. Christ can cleanse us.

Lay aside the weight of idolatry this Christmas and embrace the hope of Christ.