Growing in Grace: January 2015

4 Ways to Win the Battle Against Busyness - "Here are four precepts from Scripture and other wisdom that can help us diffuse busyness and sit at Jesus’s feet."

William Tyndale's Portrait - Steven Lawson reflects briefly upon the portrait of Tyndale that hangs in his study.

It? - This is a heartbreaking poem about the realities of abortion.

Seven Things for the New Year - "This is an excerpt from a New Year's address by James Smith who was C.H. Spurgeon's predecessor at the New Park Street Chapel. He mentions seven things to experience, to have, to do, to enjoy, and be preserved from in the New Year."

Heaven Will Never Be Boring - Dave Radford from The Gray Havens looks to Jonathan Edwards and points out the brilliant, everlasting glory of Heaven.

Are You Too Sensitive? - "If you're a sensitive person, you've probably noticed how God can use your sensitive heart for good, but also how oversensitivity can be destructive. Those of us who are sensitive often experience both: we know good sensitive but also too sensitive—bad sensitive."

4 Quotes for MLK Day - Hear four of culture's "great men" on their views of God. Teaser: Only one is right.

The Snare of Compare - This is why we should be thankful for the Margies in our life.

Hubble Revisits an Icon - What incredible pictures these are! It stirs our hearts to the creativity and magnanimous beauty within our God.

The NHL and GoPro - If you're into hockey, this is a fantastically cool video.