14 Things That Love is Not

If Paul Tripp could come up with 23 definitions of what love is, here are my 14 definitions of what love is not.

What Love is Not

LOVE IS NOT... the way someone makes you feel.
LOVE IS NOT...  something that comes and goes and fades with time, something you can fall "out of" as easily as you can fall "into."
LOVE IS NOT...  selfish, motivated by self-interest and what other people do for you.
LOVE IS NOT... prideful, seeking to build up yourself and tear down someone else.
LOVE IS NOT... sex.
LOVE IS NOT... just an emotion that makes butterflies rumble in the pit of your stomach and your face turn red.
LOVE IS NOT... trivial, flippant, silly, vain.
LOVE IS NOT... forced upon you; as in: you are not forced to love your family.
LOVE IS NOT... easy, painless, free of all suffering, uncomplicated.
LOVE IS NOT... just for the people you like (see Matthew 5:44).
LOVE IS NOT... like Hollywood makes it seem.
LOVE IS NOT... anxious and a constant cause of worry.
LOVE IS NOT... quick to anger or short-tempered, seeking argument, or easily frustrated.
LOVE IS NOT... lust.