Your Saturday Smile: High School Encouragement Edition

This story makes me so, so happy.

(TODAY News) - "Konner Sauve sees the beauty in everyone.

That's why he decided to tell 657 of the students at East Valley High School in Washington how he felt about them.

While dozing in and out of sleep in the backseat of his parents' car on a road trip to Oregon last summer, the idea came to him.

'I knew I wanted to do something different, something to lift people up, but didn't want to make a huge thing about it,' Sauve, 18, told 'Then I figured out a way to be subtle while still inspiring them and making them feel good about themselves.'

Sauve anonymously uploaded 657 photos to Instagram account 'thebenevolentone3' of students from all four grades over 11 months, each with a paragraph explaining why he thinks they're great. It wasn't until his graduation speech on June 6 that he revealed himself."

Here are some examples.