7 (Practical) Ways to Prove You Love Your Parents

We love our parents simply because they’re our parents. But sometimes it’s hard for us to express that love in tangible ways.

Sometimes we dishonor them. Sometimes we fail spectacularly. Sometimes our love seems mercenary. Sometimes we are selfish.

Sometimes our parents may even doubt our love for them.

I know nothing that might break a parent’s heart more. So here are seven practical ways to love your parents:

1. Reject the caricatures.

Too many modern media present parents as out-of-touch, past-obsessed, irresponsible, and immature. They are the screwballs at the center of the comedy routines. We are taught to laugh at our parents. Laugh at their age. Laugh at their un-worldliness.

Love your parents by rejecting the caricatures, the stereotypes, the anthems of parental disrespect that sing from the silver screen.

2. Mine their wisdom.

Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, your parents are actually very wise. Yes, there are sad exceptions and I can only empathize with those who live in such contexts. But many of us have godly, sound parents who have years and years of life experience and would be delighted to impart their wisdom to us.

Sometimes we forget that our parents were teenagers once too. They had boyfriends/girlfriends. They stressed over tests. They worried about college. They drove used cars and worked part-time jobs and went to football games.

They’ve been there and done that – just in a different time.
Go to them for advice. They are worthy counselors.

3. Communicate.

Don’t expect your parents to read your mind. Open up the communication channel.

Ask your parents questions. Go to them with your struggles. Are you wrestling with hard Bible verses? Sexual purity? Finding your passion and purpose?

Communicate with your parents.

4. Laugh with them, not at them.

Your parents are not made to be a joke. Sure, sometimes they are crazy and deserved to be laughed at, but reject media’s idea that it’s “cool” to mock your parents.

Laugh with them at their corny jokes. Celebrate life with them.

5. Get to know them as people.

As we get older, we start to see that our parents are not just “Mom” and “Dad.” They’re real people with unique identities and stories that extend beyond the reach of parenthood. We start to relate to them more as friends rather than just as authority figures.

Take the time to see what they really like to do. Talk about life. Just hang out. Get to know your parents as people.

6. Serve them.

In big ways and small ways and all the ordinary, mundane ways in between. Make them dinner. Say, “I love you.” Write them a letter and tell them how much you’ve learned from them. Clean their house. Take them out for a fancy dinner.

7. Pray for them.

Do it every day. Know how they need prayer. Pray faithfully and lovingly. Thank God for your parents and pray for His glory to be manifested in their lives as they do His will. Pray specifically. Pray boldly. Pray humbly.

And tell your parents you’re praying for them.

Our parents are people too. One day we may be them. In this unique, beautiful time in our lives, we’re surrounded by change. Our parents feel it too. Be open with them. Serve them. Share with them your dreams and fears.

And love them. God gave us our parents for a reason. Celebrate them.