3 Things People Without Joy Need to Do

Dad is preaching through Hosea right now, a book that is undeniably gloomy. Its central focus is on God's judgment being poured out on God's people. But in the midst of destruction, there is always hope.

Yesterday Dad preached on Hosea 9:1-9, a situation that found God's people without joy because they were living in sin. Through the text, Dad gave us three applications that Christians without joy today need to hear and do.

1. Call out to God and ask Him to reveal your sin.

This is no airy-fairy, dream-like revelation in the sky you're praying for, Dad assured us. It's actively reading God's Word and seeing your sin revealed through that. To have joy, read the Bible.

2. Call upon the Holy Spirit to convict you.

If you don't have joy, that is ultimately your problem, not God's. There is sin in the way. Ask the Spirit to bring that sin to your mind so that you can repent and deal with it. God will give you joy - but it is only found in faithful living.

3. Look to Christ and His work on the cross.

Joy isn't found in doing what you want to do. Joy isn't found in people. Joy isn't found in food or money or popularity or any ephemeral thing that we are tempted to trust in. Joy is found in depending on Christ through good or bad.

Are you without joy today? Look to God, the author and giver of joy.