Growing in Grace: March 2016

He Is Risen! - "Here is the watershed of human history where the misery of the race is transformed into grandeur. Here the kerygma, the proclamation of the early church, was born with the cry 'He is risen.'"

10 Tips for Evangelizing Your Muslim Neighbor - These are wise and gracious tips indeed.

15 Pieces of Writing Advice From C.S. Lewis - So very true and so very good.

How Easter Offers Hope in a Chaotic World - I appreciated this sobering and joyful piece of writing.

Do Not Weep for Jesus - "The point of Good Friday is not to feel sorry for Jesus. Jesus does not need our sympathy. The point is to feel sorry for your sin. For if we don’t, we have good reason to weep. There will be no salvation for those who reject God’s appointed Savior."

Helping the Young Engage the Sermon - Hey, parents! Joe Thorn shares a cool free resource for your kids - a sheet they can fill out to engage with the sermon. Check it out.

7 Ways to Fail Well - Man, I need to read stuff like this every once in a while. Failure is inevitable and we need to know how to deal with it.

Hyper-Evaluative - Joshua Harris made a new video that is thought-provoking and on point. 

Are Millennials Selfish and Entitled? - "Let’s stop the Millennial bashing, in public and in private. Let’s thank God that he has given us a vibrant, gospel-focused, Christ-following next generation. We can have lots of differing opinions on the finer details of eschatology, but, when it comes to the more immediate future, we should all be pro-Millennial."

Don't Like Diversity? You'll Hate Heaven - Yep. 

6 Things Every Christian in College Should Know - "I’ve been out of college for five years. As I reflect on my time in college, and my first five years since graduation, there’s a few things I wish someone would’ve told me along the way. What are they?"

5 reasons to believe Jesus rose from the dead - The ever wise and winsome Adam4d has a punchy new comic in light of Easter.